Ask the Expert: Four Things Worth Nitpicking About


When you are buying a home, there are so many things to think about. No matter how much you try to learn all the details about a home, it can be a challenge to know it all until you’ve settled in. Here are some nitpicky things that might bug you big time down the line if you don’t pay attention ahead of time.

Too Much Buzz
Does noise irritate you? Some noises can easily go undetected during home visits and even inspections. Have you ever dealt with a noisy garage door? Or maybe one of those fluorescent lights that sends a shiver down your spine every time you flick the switch? Even the humming of some refrigerators is enough to make you go crazy when the icemaker starts churning away.

Pressure’s On
Water pressure varies from household to household. Many of us have experienced differences in water pressure when traveling or moving. Some like a soft flow, others like a fast stream. It’s a good idea to pay attention to the water pressure and check on how it is affected when multiple water sources are in use.

There are almost too many factors to consider in this category! Here are just a few that you may want to harp on.

Some people like it loud, others prefer peace and quiet. This a very subjective issue and only you can determine what you can tolerate. For instance there are many homes in Newport Beach that are in the flight path. The neighborhoods may be considered quiet but when a plane goes overhead your perspective might change.

At different times of day, light comes in at different angles. If you love natural light, then you may want to visit at various times of the day. It can also affect how hot a room gets. For instance, in my Eastside Costa Mesa home, I never would have guessed how hot the upstairs bedroom gets in the late afternoon. When I originally viewed the home in the winter months, the weather was much more tolerable.

School Year Influence
When school is s in session, traffic patterns change. If you live near a school, you may have to tack on an extra 15 minutes to your commute. In areas by high schools, it can be extra congested and even noisy on weekend nights during football season.

It may be less easy to follow holiday variations, but one thing we all know for sure is that summer holidays mean traffic jams by the beach. Simple day-to-day errands and parking can be a nightmare to get done. If that’s going to bother you, then you should definitely think carefully about the impact of holiday traffic.

One last thing that is difficult to plan for but necessary is budgeting for your bills. It may be worth asking for a general idea of the current household expenses. For instance a pool home may have a higher water bill and electric bill. Having some additional information can empower you and help limit shock when you get your first round of utility bills.ask-the-expert-holly-schwartz


By Holly Schwartz
Holly Schwartz is a realtor with Villa Real Estate who lives in Eastside Costa Mesa and has been featured on HGTV’s House Hunters.