One on One With Julia Schmid


Building Greener Outdoor Surfaces

By Gina Dostler

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Julia Schmid is part of a team that runs a specialized landscaping firm, Soil Retention, Inc., started in 1987 by Jan Erik Jansson. Schmid, the founder’s daughter-in-law, is personally as well as professionally involved as marketing manager of the company, hired to prevent urban run-off and build remarkable retaining walls that beautify yards.

Q: How did Soil Retention start?

A: Jan Erik Jansson left Sweden to sell Loffelstein products in the United States, doing business as Loffel Retaining Walls, Inc. Soon he had a manufacturing plant in Perris, Calif., making the blocks. Recognizing ways to improve upon the Loffelstein product, Jansson modified it to more effectively fit various market segments. The improved products were patented and trademarked as Verdura. To better reflect its business direction, the company changed its name to Soil Retention, Inc., a name that reflected the company’s focus on sustainability and environmental concerns.

Q: Why use Verdura?

A: The Verdura retaining wall system is the most plantable, versatile and strongest mechanically stabilized earth retaining wall on the market today. The name Verdura comes from verdant meaning green with vegetation and durability since it lasts a lifetime. This allows the opportunity to create living walls because it provides the strength and function of a standard retaining wall plus the added ability to sustain live plantings. We offer products for both do-it-yourself and professionals that can be found at any local masonry. It costs about $5 to $6 a square and provides a beautiful vertical garden.

retaining wall office

Q: Can any plant grow on the vertical wall?

A: Consider the local growing conditions and consult your local nursery specialists. Use perennial vining plants or ground cover to minimize maintenance. Some plants that we recommend: rosemary, rosea mini-ice plant, vinca minor, hans ivy, myoporum (ground cover), isotoma, and ivy geranium.

Q: Is a different watering system needed?

A: You would water just like you would any slope, lay surface irrigation placed along the top and/or toe of the wall. Don’t bury water lines behind the wall. Depending on watering requirements of the plants and the height of the wall, sprinkler, drip or mist heads can be used. Check with a landscape irrigation specialist.

Q: How can a homeowner become more efficient with water run-off?

A: One way is through our system we call Drivable Grass. With Drivable Grass water is left to drain into the earth instead of running down into storm drains. It has a thin profile, making it a permeable and flexible concrete paving mat that promotes superior root penetration and moisture containment beneath the product. There is a plastic grid that connects the concrete muffins, which makes it easy to install because it doesn’t have to be exact since it conforms to the ground.

parking spaces drivable grass

Q: Where can you use it?

A: We put it on the side of our house, a space about 20’ x 6’ and it only took four hours which included the preparation, applying the sub-base, leveling, filling and clean-up.

It really has many uses. It can replace poured concrete, pavers, and asphalt for applications such as driveways, boat and RV access or parking, golf cart paths, trail reinforcement and pet digging control. It costs about $2.50 – $3 per square foot.

Q: Do I have to use grass and what if I have a steep driveway?

A: No. Along with normal lawn grass, Drivable Grass can be filled with most types of low growing plant cover as well as sand, gravel, colored rock, or artificial grass.  We recommend an angular stone for stability.  In low-use traffic areas, you can also lay sod over the product. It can be mowed and requires the same care as a regular lawn. Drivable Grass is recommended for slopes as steep as 12% with vegetated infill.  Installation of Drivable Grass for traffic loading on grades steeper than 12% must be evaluated by a qualified engineer or architect.


Julia Schmid, Marketing Manager

Soil Retention Inc.

2501 State Street

Carlsbad, CA 92008
