One on One with Jason Roberts


ROBERTS HeadshotWelcome Rains Reveal Unwelcome Leaks

By Gina Dostler

In a coastal community, water is both friend and foe, bringing beauty to the surroundings as well as extra maintenance. Jason Roberts of Restoration 1 Water Damage Experts says most water damage lies undetected. New technology allows an easy and accurate way to determine where water has made its mark.

Q: “Help, my room has flooded,” I bet is something you hear a lot.

A: Ha! Yes, it is. But a lot of the water leaks are pretty much undetectable and that is where the trouble starts. The big leaks are obvious and we have the means to clean-it up and remove all the residues of a flooded area before mold has its chance to multiply. It’s the leaks that go unnoticed in pockets of walls, under floors, or in attics. Fortunately we have a great way to detect all types of water damage.

Q: Which is?

A: Thermal imaging. It can detect any type of water damage in any structure. It’s a type of camera, you point and shoot and a colorful display indicates different temperature readings. For instance targeting a wall, water damage has a certain cold signature versus a dry area. There are lots of variances, so it’s the knowledge of the technology that takes the reading and with very scientific protocols, can determine the repairs and clean-up necessary to eliminate the damage. Our standards are set by the IICRC.

Q: Which translates to, Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification.

A: Yes. They are the leading, independent, non-profit organization that establishes and advances globally recognized standards and certifications for the inspection, cleaning, restoration and installation industries. Some of the organizations they network with are the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Indoor Air Quality Association and the Restoration Industry Association.

ROBERTS Handheld Thermal CameraQ: You mentioned scientific. How does that apply to clean-up?

A: We utilize the formulas set in the IICRC’s Standard and Reference Guide. For instance, when assessing water damage you have to note what type of loss since there are many types of classification. Say the damage is above head; more equipment is needed to dry it out. Then there is containment to isolate the area of dehumidification. Every factor is taken into account in those equations down to the federal level. For instance there is a fine line to wood floors; if you dry down too quickly the wood warps, not enough and the wood still retains the moisture and rots.

Q: How long have you been in the business?

A: I was a lead restoration technician in Las Vegas for six years. But my family has been in this business for years. Both my father and brother are restoration contractors. I moved to Laguna Beach about 18 months ago. I was born and raised in Las Vegas, but I am so excited to be here in Laguna. It is such a great city, more like a funky little village. Though the beach is awesome, the kindness of the people and how they graciously took me into their community makes living here so great.

Q: How is Laguna in the leak-o-monitor average?

A: Laguna has great, old funky buildings that typically have leaks. Sometimes you can smell it, but can’t necessarily locate it. That’s why the thermal imaging is fantastic technology. You don’t have to tear out cabinets, carpets, walls or ceilings. It’s all right on the screen, a myriad of oranges, yellows and blues depending on the temperature. Even in a dry, arid environment like Vegas water pockets develop from hydroscopic products that absorb water. The thermal imaging has no problem finding those areas.

ROBERTS Thermal HouseQ: Where is the most common area for water damage?

A: Typically roof leaks on older homes, especially in our coastal desert. Most any type of material dries up due to very low humidity and hairline cracks tend to develop in the ceilings. All you need is a gale rain to throw down lots of rain and the leaks show up. Especially around fireplaces where some older structures don’t have the right type of flashing.

Q: How does the thermal imaging really help?

A: We had a restaurant owner call us because his water bill had tripled and yet he had no leaks. We walked the entire building using the thermal camera, going through all the walls. Then we pointed it to the ceiling and caught a little line, we thought maybe a slow leak, and followed it down. Water has a tendency to accumulate in-between studs, especially on bearing walls that go below grade, and the thermal gave us the initial discovery and a view of what was happening. Then we used other tools to confirm the presence of water.

Q: Do you work with insurance companies?

A: Yes, we work with them, not for them. Our first commitment is to the customer whether it is residential or commercial properties. Besides water damage restoration services, we offer mold remediation, fire and smoke clean-up and storm response services. Right now we have a special running through the Chamber of Commerce for a free inspection with our thermal imaging camera.


Jason Roberts,

Sales Manager

Restoration 1 Water Damage Experts

844 426-6653

Coto de Caza