Ask the Expert: Use Holiday Sales to Make Home Improvements


shopping-562616‘Tis the season for savings. Black Friday and Cyber Monday might as well be a holidays on the calendar. Each year the deals escalate, the crowds flock, and gifts are bought. However, you don’t just have to hit the shops for gifts. When you are a homeowner (or a homeowner to be), this is a great time to take advantage of the killer deals. surveyed many major retailers and found out how drastic the savings are for shoppers that hit the Black Friday sales. Their research discovered that furniture is typically discounted by 43%, appliances by 41%, and consumer electronics by 38%.

If you are buying a home, this is the perfect time to score some savings for your new place. One of the biggest expenses when you buy a home is purchasing appliances. If your home doesn’t include a refrigerator or washer/dryer, this is the time to find them for a discount. And if you are planning a major remodel, you can save big on appliance packages as well. Some places to check out are Home Depot, Lowes, Sears, Best Buy and JCPenney.

Another thing to consider when you are buying a home is electronics. Black Friday & Cyber Monday are notorious for offering slashed prices on televisions, computers, and home audio/theater systems. Where can you go to find these deals? Try Best Buy, Target, Walmart,, etc.

Additionally, furniture is another category where you can expect to save beaucoup bucks during the holiday sales. Keep in mind that this doesn’t necessarily include outdoor furnishings. Since we live in Southern California, you may be hoping to decorate your outdoor space with some patio furniture, however you are more likely to find deals on these items at the end of summer.

If you are a homeowner, you can certainly take advantage of these deals too. After all, it may be time to replace some older appliances or electronics. It seems like the latest electronics are outdated in a season anyway. This is also a great time to freshen up your appliances if you are thinking about selling your home. Remember, the spring market is right around the corner anyway! Why not buy some value enhancing appliances now and then hope to wow buyers and make your money back and then some on the sales price of your home? Bottom line, homeowners and those who are buying homes now can definitely seize the opportunity to make the holiday sales work for them. Who said gifts can’t be for yourself?



By Holly Schwartz

Holly Schwartz is a realtor with Villa Real Estate who lives in Eastside Costa Mesa and has been featured on HGTV’s “House Hunters.”