Market Stats – McCracken and Torelli


According to the MLS, the number of homes newly listed for sale in Newport Beach during the two-week period of 3/14-3/28/2011 was 52 homes. Of these new homes on the market, the highest priced property was listed at $12,900,000. The lowest priced property was listed at $360,360.
According to the MLS, the number of homes newly listed for sale in Laguna Beach during the two-week period of 3/14-3/28/2011 was 30 homes. Of these new homes on the market, the highest priced property was listed at $6,195,000. The lowest priced property was listed at $474,000.
According to the MLS, the number of homes that went into escrow and/or closed in Newport Beach for the two-week period of 3/14-3/28/2011 was 31 homes. These homes were categorized in the MLS as “backup offers,” “pending sale,” or “closed sale.”
According to the MLS, the number of homes that went into escrow and/or closed in Laguna Beach for the two-week period of 3/14-3/28/2011 was 16 homes. These homes were categorized in the MLS as “backup offers,” “pending sale,” or “closed sale.”