One on One With Josh Christian


Latest in Home Automation–  By Gina Dostler

Technology keeps spinning its growth and expansion every single minute where iPads, iPhones, and Android applications are taking over the world. It seems, anyway.  And the electronics that grace the home, something bigger and better or smaller and superior always show up on store shelves just months after purchasing the previous hi-tech gig. Consumers are all over it, ready to toss out their just-bought-but-now-older-model for the newer piece.   So let’s climb to the top of the heap and look at what is rising on the horizon before it becomes ever-present in every home. Last year Josh Christian of DSI Entertainment gave the Coastal Real Estate Guide a look into what was happening in home technology, detailing the then-latest and greatest.  I wanted to revisit and get an update on what is new and available in the world of electronics for the home. He pointed out that what he discussed last year is still growing. Yet there are a couple of new items that have hit the home fringe of electronics worth viewing, literally.

Q:  What is the story going on with home automation now that a year has gone by? 

A:  You know, the basics are still making pace such as audio/video, lighting, climate control, and security, as well as pool and spa automation. I’ve seen more requests for automated awnings and gates as well. The ever popular SmartStick adds internet access to any TV with an HDMI input expanding the qualities of television. This device gives access to nearly all Android apps available in the Google Play Store so you can play items such as Angry Birds and Solitaire right on the big screen.

Q:  Utilizing the iPad for home automation is ever popular, yes? 

A:  Yes, handheld touch screens have been used in home automation to key in stuff. But for many years the proprietary remotes were very expensive. Now in just about every installation we are integrating, client’s want their phones and tablets to be linked to their system which has brought the cost down a little bit. This way you can have access to your home from literally anywhere in the world there is data connection. Integrating the iPad is definitely a big trend. But it has its down sides as well.

Q:  Down sides such as? 

A:  There is a good blog post we did on “Why I Love My iPad, But Hate It As A Remote Control.” It highlights the pitfalls. For instance, your phone rings while you’re watching your TV. You want to mute the TV but you have to log into your iPad, swipe to unlock, find the mute button and before you know it your call has bounced to voicemail. So sometimes it’s better to just keep a remote system such as a manufacturer’s proprietary inwall touchscreen to augment the iPad’s home automation features.

Q:  So tell me about the totally in-thing happening in the world of technology for the home? 

A:   There is a revolutionary new movie delivery system called PRIMA Cinema and one of the most amazing products seen in the home cinema industry lately. Imagine sitting down in your own private home cinema to watch a movie on the very same day it’s released at the local Cineplex.  But the catch is it’s not cheap. The hardware itself is $35,000 and once you buy the device and install it, it downloads all the movies that are about to hit in the local cinemas.

Q:  Wow, movies that are first time release in the theatres at the same time in your own private home. So how does it work? 

A:  As a pay per movie, after installing the hardware you can watch any new release in home for $500   movie everyone else has to go out to the theatres to catch. We are selling quite a few since its start in July. Many clients have been asking for this for years. Previously it was only available to the Bel Air Circuit, or more recently known as the Bel Air Digital Circuit, an exclusive movie distribution service provided by the main Hollywood studios for the elite group of Hollywood directors, movie moguls, actors and other wealthy individuals. It was by invitation only; no amount of money could buy your way in. Now with the advent of PRIMA Cinema, this service is available to those with the ability to pay. Private new release parties are popping up around town to watch the movies in the privacy of the home.  

Q: I noticed another item from Europe making the scene. 

A:  Right. The new outdoor TV that literally unfolds out of the ground is now available in the U.S. Designed by Porsche Design Studio, it is manufactured through C Seed Entertainment Systems in Austria. An incredible amount of engineering went into this piece and the price tag reflects it, USD $700,000 or Euros $514,000. This is the ultimate outdoor theatre. It literally rises out of the ground and unfolds into a huge 201” TV with a bright picture that can be seen in the middle of the day. Just watching it open is incredible enough. It starts as an obelisk rising from the ground and in a butterfly-like motion opens up. (See it unfold at  HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”

Q:  A 201” size television in the middle of the backyard. What more could any sports fan as for? 

A: Indeed a sports lover’s dream, kicking back outside watching the game on a 201” screen. The screen in the daylight it’s still bright and gives the same full effect as in a dark room. But it’s a great addition to an outdoor party or fundraiser, and definitely the focal point to any social gathering. Having fun outdoors in an open airy space is what it’s all about in Southern California. Our nights here never get that cold so having a few friends over for a night at the movies, outdoors, is a great way to spend the evening. It’s ground retractable, rotatable through 270 degrees, waterproof and has 15 integrated speakers.


CONTACT INFORMATION Josh Christian 818-391-3061