One on One with Willan Johnson


WillanLessons in Water Conservation For Pool Owners

By Gina Dostler

The founder of the VivoPools franchise, Willan Johnson, is a man all about water. Frustrated by poor service by home pool-care providers, he saw an opportunity to  professionalize the industry. Fours years later, VivoPools is one of the nation’s largest pool care providers and a top Irvine Company’s vendor. The Monrovia-based company builds and remodels pools, but most of their business is weekly maintenance and repairs. Given concerns about drought restrictions, he offers homeowners keys to conserving water and maintenance.

Q: Do pools spring leaks from poor workmanship?

A: That can happen. But generally, Southern California is a geographic area where the ground shifts and moves pretty constantly. About 20-40% of pools leak due to the unstable ground and many leaks end up underground by the main drain or skimmer where you can’t actually see it leak. If you constantly have to fill the pool, get a leak detection company to find it. You could be loosing hundreds of gallons a year.

Q:  How does the chemical balance of the pool factor in saving water?

A:  Maintaining proper chemical balance and circulation of water avoids the need to constantly be draining and re-plastering the pool. A pool that becomes too acidic ends up destroying the plaster. Typical plaster should last 7-10 years but a pool not kept in chemical balance might need to be repaired after 3-5 years. Each refill uses another 20,000 – 30,000 gallons of water. Extend the plaster in your pool and save water.

Q:  Filters are another key point. Why?

A:  Every pool has a filter. But in California 90% of pools are installed with diatomaceous earth filters. The nice thing about the filter is it does the best job of purifying. It takes out really small microns. Unfortunately to keep it clean, it needs to be backwashed at least once a year. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of water is used to simply flush out the powdered earth that clogs the filter.  Also the type of diatomaceous earth used is non-food grade and considered a carcinogen. If you are interested in conserving water, install a cartridge. Though you have to replace it more often, the greater benefit is seen in the amount of water conserved.

Willan Johnson
Founder and CEO
825 S. Primrose Ave., Suite H
Monrovia, CA 91016