Roger’s Gardens to Hold Rare Plant Show


Do you have a blue rose, a fragrant hydrangea or a new species of succulent you’d like to show off? Bring your rarest, most unusual or most bizarre plant to Roger’s Gardens on Saturday, June 18 for their Rare Plant Contest and Show.

Customers and employees are invited to display their personal plant treasures, with prizes and ribbons for the best entries. If you don’t think you have anything worthy of the display table you can still come view the rarities on display.

They ask you to limit your plants to no more than five and have them potted in containers no larger than 16″ in diameter. To be eligible for the competition you must be an amateur, and your entries should arrive between 9 and 11 a.m. Staff will be on-hand to assist you.

If you know the name of your plants, bring that information as well; if not, they will try to identify them for you. Prizes: First ($100), Second ($50) and Third ($25) place gift cards will be awarded when the judging is completed, at approximately 12 p.m. Entries will be on display throughout the weekend.

For more information, visit