10 Questions with Jerry La Mott, agent with Surterre Properties


Q: When you’re not practicing real estate what do you like to do for leisure activity?

A: I am an avid golfer who enjoys spending time on the golf course, especially with my best friend and daughters. I find it peaceful and relaxing – the score is not important.


Q: Share with our readers some of your favorite travel destinations and why.

A: There is only ONE. My wife and I are originally from Montana, and we have been going to Flathead Lake in Bigfork our entire married life. It’s like going home.


Q: Living near the coast, what do you enjoy doing to take advantage of our year-round temperate weather?

A: Golfing is my No. 1 outdoor interest, and I am now taking up hiking and look forward to doing more of that with my wife, daughters and friends.


Q: You’ve been part of the OC real estate scene for a long time. Share your background, triumphs and challenges with our readers.

A: I started as a real estate appraiser trainee back in 1974 and worked in that industry until about 1990, doing real estate part time. Then I went on to real estate as a full-time career. Real estate appraising was a tremendous foundation for a transition into the real estate side of the business. In terms of triumphs, I don’t measure my success by dollars and cents. The experiences and relationships that I have had in my 30+ years in the industry are immeasurable. I look forward to every day. I never expected, in my wildest dreams, to have had so many incredible experiences.


Q: Tell us about your move to the new Surterre Properties office in Monarch Beach/Dana Point. When will you be moving in, what are your expectations and what can the new office foster to the local real estate climate?

A: I have worked at seven real estate companies – all of which I am grateful to have been a part of and enjoyed many wonderful experiences at. With each new environment, I have grown and learned new elements of our business. The Monarch Beach office will open in late June with a fabulous Monarch Beach address. We are very excited about the location, and look forward to an office culture that will be very dynamic, team-oriented and progressive. We can’t wait to get started.


Q: With businesses closing operations due to the economic downturn, Surterre continues to expand. Share what are the Top Things You Love with respect to the Surterre Properties organization which has honed a recipe for success.

A: From what I have observed, Surterre’s vision centers on how we can best serve our clients, and they provide the tools agents need to accomplish that. I find Surterre to be very structured and organized with progressive marketing capabilities and tremendous creativity. They offer a supportive environment and truly care about the agents and their clients.


Q: What areas of the OC do you specialize in? If you run the gamut, share some of your favorite enclaves to represent and why.
South Orange County specializing in Nellie Gail Ranch. Over the years, our client base has expanded to most cities in South County. In particular, we raised our children in Nellie Gail Ranch for 18 years and have established lifelong friends and relationships in the community. It has been a wonderful place to work and live.

Q: What’s on the Wish List for buyers when they’re looking to purchase an OC coastal home?
In addition to proximity to the ocean and harbor, buyers want an ocean view orientation. The climate, outdoor activities and wonderful golf courses are of particular interest as well.

Q: As a seller, how can they integrate the indoors and outdoors to appeal to a potential buyer? In addition to curb appeal, what else is important to seduce a buyer to want to make an offer in this challenging real estate market?

A: Outdoor living spaces have become increasingly important to buyers. With the wonderful climate we have, more and more time is being spent outdoors in loggias by the pool, and around barbecues and outdoor fireplaces. Curb appeal, overall maintenance, condition and interior upgrades are also important. Buyers are very mindful of the costs that come with updating and remodeling homes. And the capital improvements that were once completed with equity lines now, in most cases, require cash to complete, which render homes that have not been updated less desirable, and it ultimately effects the overall value. We take buying and selling homes very seriously. It is truly a life-altering event – a different way home, different driveway, new neighborhood, schools and friends. We want this to be a positive, exciting, joyful and memorable experience for our clients.


Contact Jerry La Mott, agent with Surterre Properties directly at 949.472.9191, or by cell at 949.472.9191. His email is jerrylamott@surterreproperties.com. The new Monarch Beach office is located at 33522 Niguel Road, Suite 100 (at Pacific Coast Highway), Dana Point.